How Casual Sex Should Work

Some deleted comments on this:

"Nothing about us humans and our relationships really works in that way

Why are you so comfortable speaking for all other humans? It in fact, does work this way for many people. Sex does not require emotion, many people just want to bone. Some people require an intimate connection before having sex, and that's fine, but there are plenty of people who not only don't require that connection, but prefer sex without that intimacy.

Stop trying to shame people for wanting casual sex. It's not the same as using a sex toy, there is excitement when it's another person and not a piece of silicone. Some people find the emotional attachment to be exhausting, and just want to bang like animals."

"Damn dude, you took this video waaaay too seriously. It was just pointing out how silly the whole thing is. Yours is not the opinion that trumps all. Different people enjoy things differently (This video) and different people go about handling things differently (Sex). Not everyone is looking for an emotional connection, so you can't tell people that they have to just because it's what you're after. To suggest that those people have inferior genes is totally fucked up, hyperbolic or not.

You make so many sweeping objective statements about subjective ideas presented by a silly 4 minute youtube video featuring the faces of the Avengers. Who ever gilded this comment is fucking moron. Just have sex the way you want to. Jesus Christ."

"It's casual, it isn't intimate and emotional. It's satisfying primal biological needs, and if you can't accept that, you clearly have a pretty narrow worldview. Religious, perhaps? It's a fact that sex is different to masturbation and the brain rewards it differently because sex is how the species continues to exist.

Further, just because someone wants casual sex now and then doesn't mean they should be prevented from breeding, you fucking moron. The more of your comment I read, the more I'm convinced you're literally 14."

same user

"I don't know, sex isn't intimate and emotional to me - it's just a biological need. Sex is like shaking someone's hand for me. The only thing I seek in order for it to work is someone who has the right pieces. I vehemently dislike going through the whole process of obtaining sex. "

"I don't know why people always say "I feel sorry for you" not having all these crazy emotional ups-and-downs makes my life ten times easier. I could never imagine needing some deep emotional connection with everybody just to get off.

I also fail to see how having casual sex means being drunk and having one night stands. I frequently have long periods with the same sex partner, I just don't have all those feelings other people seem to have.

To me, sex is sex. If I want it, I'll go get it. There is no emotion required. I don't require it, either.

The idea of either requiring a deep emotional connection - or having it happen unwillingly - sounds like an annoying time-suck, honestly."

someone called him a psychopath and listed the reasons why:

"Look at all these pop psychologists, good lord.

Look - I get it. There's a lot of woo-woo, froo-froo, over-emotional little limp-dicks out there who live in a world ruled by feelings and whims, rather than how things actually are.

They over-romanticize sex, which is nothing more than two people bumping uglies until they get off, for the pure chemical instinct of procreation and nothing more.

They get all lovey-dovey when their body releases oxytocin and tells the to fall in love so they can fuck more and have an even greater chance of procreating.

They look at it as spiritual rather than biological, which is all it is.

Sex, to me, is nothing more than my body reacting to signs of fertility in a female and telling me that I should fuck her in hopes that I achieve a biological imperative. That is all sex literally is.

So, when I have a little time off from the things I REALLY love in life - traveling, exercising, meditating, improving my art, learning, reading, going on adventures - I will go out and get laid.

And, sure, I've met some really cool chicks, some of them I've felt a little sad about leaving, but I would feel that way about anybody who wasn't a complete waste of time whether or not we fucked."

in response to a copied definition of psychopath:

"Lol - in what comment anywhere here have I once demonstrated any of your Wikipedia qualities?

People are hilarious, they can't fathom that their silly emotional hangups regarding sex, where they think it's some beautiful mysterious spiritually enlightening over-romanticized act, isn't that to everybody else around them.

I see sex for what it is - two animalistic biological organisms ruled by biological imperative and chemical instinct to copulate in order to produce offspring, so that that those genetic copies of themselves may further the virus of humanity.

We try to take something inherently beast-like - the act of humping each other's brains out, slapping our sex organs on each other, and exchanging fluid in a sweaty, stinky mess - as something beautiful and spiritual.

I eat, I shit, I fuck, I'm a goddamned animal. Sex is nothing special to me.

Did you know I love dogs? I rescue them, volunteer at Humane societies, foster dogs when I can, and try to find good homes for them.

I cry when dogs get hurt or run over (pretty much any animal).

You know who doesn't do that? Sociopaths and psychopaths, as they are physically unable to connect emphatically with anyone or anything around them.

So shove your psuedo-psychology from Wikipedia up your ass. "

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