How do Catholics justify Constantine’s removal of so many items in the Bible for his own agenda? Yet, still devote their lives to something that was cherry picked? I’m just searching for understanding

Constantine changed the Bible?? I had no idea! Can you please send me cited sources and credible historical references to Constantine's changing of the original Biblical texts?

I'm assuming you can't because you got your information from someone who "told you so" or you get your education from memes and TikTok videos.

Here's some real history.

Constantine died in 337 AD. The official formation of the New Testament and the Bible began in 382 A.D. at the Council of Rome with Pope Damasus I. It was at this Council that the books of the Bible were chosen. Even so, discussions took place and doubts still circulated. Thus, the canon was officially, once and for all, reaffirmed at the smaller Synod of Hippo (Africa) in 393 A.D. and at the Catholic Council of Carthage in 397 A.D..

Just from a strictly timeline perspective there's no way Constantine could have even had any participation much less authority over the establishment of the accept biblical canon.

The 27 New Testament books that the Catholic Church chose are the exact same books that Christians still use today. The complete bible list of 73 books was ratified by Pope Innocent in 401 A.D. It was then translated into an officially recognized version by St. Jerome, known as the “Vulgate,” which was ratified by Pope Innocent I in 405 A.D.. Pope Innocent then listed each and every one of the 73 books just to be clear. This is the same Bible used for over 1,100 years and that Catholics still possess today.

Due to Protestants changing the Word of God and hacking up Sacred Scripture, the Council of Trent in 1546 dogmatically re-defined and re-confirmed the books of Holy Scripture that were there from the beginning.

The Catholic Church, under the inspiration and authority of the Holy Spirit, infallibly chose the Canon of Scripture and put the Bible under one cover as we know it today. Keep in mind that there was no Bible for almost 400 years. However, thanks to the Catholic Church, the world now has the Bible.

/r/Catholicism Thread