How did you lose your best friend?

We were in our mid 20's. I'd known him since sophomore year of high school. I threw a party at my place. He ended up getting wasted and pushed my brother backwards off his chair for no real reason. I tried to make him apologize but he got livid and tried to leave. He was way too drunk to drive so I tried my best to stop him. I told him multiple times he should spend the night and not drive. I didn't even care about the apology, I just didn't want him to drive. He left and got a DUI on the way home. Thankfully he didn't kill anybody. But after that we just sort of stopped talking. I only heard about what happened through his sister. I tried reaching out a number of times but he just ghosted me.

This was about 15 years ago. I heard through some other folks that he's married now and has a few kids and moved to CA. I hope he's doing well.

/r/AskReddit Thread