How did you meet your SO?

We were both backpacking around Australia. After living in a hostel for weeks I'd made a pretty solid group of friends. Came back one night from a walk along the sea front to find they had adopted some more people and were planning a night of it in the town; to which they asked me along. A crazy rainstorm began minutes after I joined them and we had to dash to the seating area under cover, where one of said new people suddenly appeared at my side introducing them self. We turned out to have an insane amount in common - from second languages, to other countries we had worked in and what degrees we had done at uni. Henceforth we spent every night of the next week hanging out before he moved cities and then back home the following week. Absolutely gutted, but assumed that was probably the last I'd see of him. However next thing I know we are texting or facebooking for hours every day, he has sent me a book he was reading that I expressed interest in (with an adorable note), and we are arranging Skye dates every few days. Literally I am talking to this dude I knew for a week in person more than established childhood friends! Fast forward 3 months and I move home too and invite him to visit my city. For another 2 months we back and fore the 3 hours between where we live regularly. Fast forward a bit longer, and 4 years later (three of which were long distance) and we have moved again - to finally live in the same flat / town. As far as I'm concerned this is it, and every time I think of how unlikely this has all been I can't help smiling to myself and wondering a bit about fate!

/r/AskReddit Thread