How did you and your SO get together?

We met on WoW 10 years ago. He's the best friend of a guy that I played pretty actively with because we were in the same guild. He invited him, and he accepted.

We didn't interact very much because we worked different shifts, and I only played at night. But my shifts got changed up, and I started playing more during the day. I was leveling an alt character in STV, didn't even notice he was online. This was back during Burning Crusade before all the major changes...

I was having issues with a group quest of some kind, can't quite remember which one. Not big bang, but one of the troll ones shudder I'm stubborn though, and dead set on soloing. No matter how long it took me. Well... after my gajillionth death. I noticed someone run by me and tag the mob I was killing. I recognized the name... lol

In guild chat... all I said was 'Gee, thanks for the help! Letting me die.' Gave him a hard time after that. All in good humor. I've since learned he zones out when questing. He didn't even notice me. After I rezzed, we grouped up. It became a recurring thing, and we became friends. After a year or so... we decided to meet in real life. We hit it off.

And we've been together ever since. Married for 5 of those. We still play together, too. Different games, WoW, swtor, coop, RPGs. Something we enjoy doing together.

/r/AskReddit Thread