Nutrition (and Supplement) Thursday

Thanks for the response, man.

To answer your question, I don't think 2800 is too high, as I'm currently working out 6 days a week, and I walk quite a bit to and from classes around campus. I was eating about 2500 (maybe a little bit more but in the area) and doing ICF (3x a week full body), and I put on about 5 pounds. I put into the calculator that I workout 6 times a week and it gave me 2800, now I Gaines a bit at 2500, so I'm giving it that window.

I'm not really sure where I'm at right now. At my biggest I was 180-185 lbs, and was probably stronger than I am now, but not by too much (I think I was benching 205, but that was all I really cared about), and obviously a lot of that was fat, as I was a chubby kid. I cut quite a bit, without lifting, and obviously lost quite a bit of muscle. So I'm not sure what exactly is my gains coming back, and what is progress, as I know people who've had a lifting/athletic background fend to gain easier, due to muscle memory.

Since I have so much time on my hands lately I've been running basically a PPL program 6 times a week. I made this switch from ICF after I moved out of my house and on campus. I've been enjoying lifting more often, as honestly it's something I truly enjoy and I find myself spending 1.5-2 hours a day in the gym.

As far as my misinterpretation of the weight, you may be right. My stomach doesn't look too bad, but there's absolutely no definition there, and it may have a tiny tiny bit of loose skin or fat, which causes it to look terrible sitting down. My chest definitely still has some fat on it, so I'm kind of assuming my lower stomach is also retaining that fat. I've been trying to eat at least maintenance during the summer because I don't want to drop into the 120's, fuck that. So cutting is definitely out of the equation. And I understand 135 at my height is pretty small, and I definitely want to get my weight up in the future, it's just I'm wondering if it should happen now, when I seem to still be quite a bit above 15% bf (bit definitely under 20). I had my nd measured by a scale, inaccurate as fuck I know, but I got a range of 16-18%, so I'm thinking that's a good range to assume by. Which obviously 16-18% body fat at 135 pounds and my height is not ideal at all.

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