How does biblical submission benefit wives?

You have to look at it culturally, as in, way back then. It was a different time, and it allowed women to free themselves from some of their cultural duties, and put that responsibility on the shoulders of men who often sidestepped their roles as leader and put it off on the woman... or multiple women. We see everything as modern folks, with working moms, and women's lib, and blah blah blah. It is a Jewish book, written by Jews, almost entirely for Jews, thousands of years ago.

If you dive into the NT culturally, historically, accurately, it was radical feminism for that day and age. Are you also aware, than the wives were never told to love their husbands? What type of love was expected of husbands? As Christ loved the church... hmmm... Christ was tortured and hung on a cross for the church... husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church... WOW! Takes on an entirely new light. Wives, submit... let the man die for you. Suffer for you. Etc., etc.

Don't speak in church? It was illegal for women then to learn to read... husbands were commanded to teach their wives to read, and understand the Bible correctly... what? That's illegal? Women were to remain silent UNTIL they learned to read, understand, and teach from the Bible correctly, not be some barefoot, pregnant, servant girl to the manly man of the house.

CULTURE! It is the key.

/r/TrueChristian Thread