How to gracefully leave capoeira group

I did exactly that. With my first teacher I didn't talk, cause he wouldn't listen when I did. So I moved on to a different academy/teachers belonging in the same group.

The second academy had 4 teachers. After a while only 1 remained and after a couple of years we started to disagree and lose proper communication.

I was inactive for long and after a while we went to a show and a an arguement broke out. In the end we "agreed that we disagree" and now eatch one of us does his thing .

Although both the breaks up weren't intense, I even wished the arguement with the 2nd never occured. It just made both of us look worse but at least we proceeded splitting up with class.

As for the jpberimbau ignore her, I'm pretty new in the forum and I found out already that the sole reason of her posts is to be negative.

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