Boss babe turned anti mlm after psych ward stay.

Hi, I just want to say that I'm so proud of you for dealing with all of this as well as you have. I know that might sound like an empty gesture from an internet stranger, but burnout is such a tough thing to deal with and you're doing great.

Secondly, I want to point out that this subreddit has a lot of people who come here to make fun of people/women who join MLMs. They don't understand the isolation and promise of support that often leads women to join these groups. Please don't listen to any of those people if the show up here.

Third, I just want to suggest maybe continuing to see a therapist if you aren't already seeing one regularly after your hospital stay. My therapist really helped me get "unstuck" in my life, and two of the main things we talked about were my work burnout and how upset I was about not having a group of female friends to talk to. Everyone needs support once in a while, it's nothing to be embarrassed about.

/r/antiMLM Thread