How to improve raw mechanics and adc in general.

Thank you for all your responses. Went on winstreak, but lost the same amount of games that I've won lol. Please enlighten me on how to hard carry games.

My own point of view on my recent losses ( if you are not interested just ignore this post)

Loss 1) played vayne. was fine bot early, graves/leo were not that good. Alistar pretty bad, wukong/brand both bitching and raging at each other. Lux/seju carried that game. Could i win this game? Yes. If i got fed/more farm I should have been able to carry that game. I blame that game on myself.

Loss 2) Played caitlyn. Early was fine, I saw that lucy was smurfing and added him afterwards (he was plat 2). Annie got ridiculously fed, lucian carried super lategame due to him being able to farm freely / better adc mechanics. Again, could I carry if I didnt die so much/was better/was allowed to farm more? Yes, I blame myself for that game.

Loss 3) Played vayne. Here is where the fun part begins. decent/farmed early/midgame. Found out reng/zed pretty fed. I was basically the only threat so they used everything on me, obviously. Had no real clue to deal with them and I died too much. I should blame myself for the loss here, 13 deaths not acceptable.

Loss 4) Played ezreal. This game tilted me pretty hard I am not gonna lie. Coulden't handle fed yasuo/darius/gragas. No clue here on how I should've won that game.

Loss 5) Played Vayne. Only mid was left and I only play adc's on this account. When I have to mid I normally play ezreal mid (since other adc's aren't that great), but since I felt like we lacked CC and I am pretty comfortable with vayne I decided to pick her. Thresh/varus accused me of trolling which I understand. I ended up 8/3 midgame, but had to face pretty fed kata/rengar. Bot+jungl where feeding and heca did okay. I managed to stall the game out, even got a pentakill. Wasn't enough tho. No clue here on what I should've done. (other then maybe not pick an adc mid all the time but honestly, I want to improve as adc and in low elo games are not at all decided on the champions people pick.)

So yeah anyway a long post, if you read it thank you for your time. I feel pretty clueless on what to do so yeah, maybe someone else can help me out here.

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