How is late abortion perceived in the US?

I had an IUD that took away my periods and I didn’t know that I was pregnant until week 15. I have heard of this happening to women in scandinavia who either had hospital approval or traveled to nearby countries. The thing is I would have always said I was pro-choice and also I found out I knew nothing about abortion, pregnancy or abortion law. At the stage I was pregnant, I would have preferred to keep the baby. I had also been drinking through out the pregnancy and was concerned for the outcomes. Your question is rude and misleading as many europeans suggest they are ‘common sense’ when really europe just has a quiet way of doing things. The fact that you think that you are clever because you think that something is a ‘human right’ but with an arbitrary start and end date that you have just drawn in the sand and that somehow makes you morally superior/more sensible to americans? All of this navel gazing on abortion makes me ill. I did not want a later abortion, I was always taught if I took doctor’s advice I could avoid pregnancy. The idea that early abortions are a human right, everyone is entitled to safe sex and there are no earth shattering, heart breaking consequences is just lulling women into a false sense of security. You think that you found the perfect solution well how great for you

/r/Abortiondebate Thread