Is increased adoption-related trauma and child abuse/neglect a necessary evil to abortion bans?

From my experience talking to PLers, most are eager to outright ignore the fact that banning abortion historically has increased human suffering across a staggering number of metrics for women AND children. There's a reason they never even acknowledge in their arguments the fact that banning abortion increases abuse, neglect, injury, and general suffering across the boards by a massive amount. The amusing thing is that these downsides to an abortion ban are obvious to everyone and are likely a strong reason that a majority of people favor legal abortion.

The fact is that banning abortion increases actual, experienced suffering by conscious human beings by A LOT. Allowing abortion causes virtually no one to experience any increased suffering other than a minority of conservatives who like to spent a lot of time worrying about it. For those of us whose moral philosophy is grounded in harm reduction and reducing human suffering, then the choice is very clear. Abortion is unique; there is no other kind of killing that is both considered controversial while also being utterly, factually crucial to reducing human suffering on this planet.

/r/Abortiondebate Thread