Why I can’t Trust the Pro-Life Movement

If you really think about your statement it is unconsciously bias. The fact is what you are really saying is the majority of those who will choose to abort will be less educated and poor. 56% of women having abortions are Hispanic and black in low income areas. That population makes of less that 29% of the American women's population. The agenda is to reduce drag on the economy and reduce crime.

The box is already open, but for reasons you have been "programed" to avoid.

86 percent of Planned Parenthood's abortion facilities are located in or near African American and Latino neighborhoods. ..…...

Today, white feminists try to muffle Black women who are vocal about their lived experiences as the targets of the white supremacist abortion regime. Instead, the white feminist who still wants to speak for Black women is busy arguing that minority women can’t thrive unless they can have their children killed. The portion of jailed individuals you speak of will pale in comparison to those who would not be aborted becoming productive members of our society

Planned parenthood did $1.6 billion in revenue and made a $70 million dollar profit.  

/r/Abortiondebate Thread