How long can someone end up in the hospital for severe exhaustion?

I don't think exhaustion is the right word. Or maybe it is. I should clarify that when I take my medication I still feel awake and alert, ready to go. But I'm not right in the head. I can tell something is off, blood is rushing to the back of my eyes. I don't feel healthy or normal at all, constantly confused. When I don't take my medication I could sleep for days. I had been relying on my medication to get through these last couple weeks of school, without it I wouldn't pass anything. It is still very hard for me to retain anything though, which leads to more stress. I don't think I've ever been this stressed in my life.

The ER visit would be more for the way my body currently feels. The accumulation of lack of sleep, lack of nutrition, lack of exercise, body aches, mental fuzziness, etc. makes me feel like I could have a heart attack, seizure, or stroke at any moment. I could just be paranoid. But I've never felt this horrible in my life, I really don't know another way to describe it other than exhaustion.

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