How long did it take you to read IT?

For all you down voting me, here's the whole story. I was sexually abused in my early teens, my home life was violently dangerous and my escape was books. I read and read and read to have something to take me away from the shit I went through.

My bookshelves took up most of my walls in my room. And fantasy and horror saved my life.

I have no need to lie about reading. It's something I'm proud of.

Yes, I did work for NASA as a glaciologist. And yes, I did work for the United Nations and Natural Resources Canada, and Nova Scotia Fisheries and Aquaculture. And I was a professional triathlete.

IT is a marathon, and everyone who reads IT had to go the same distance, I just do it faster because I trained harder.

I'm a cartographer and I have not forgotten the face of my father.

Finally, here's a photo of me in front of Stephen King's house in Bangor. Photo

So take your down votes and shove them up your ass.

/r/stephenking Thread Parent