How many decades do we need to wait to get a decent sex education program for our children?

i have no clue, safe to say it won't happen for at least another 15-20 years. i feel that this generation is a bit more aware about the importance of sex education (my friend did her 11th grade ASL topic on the topic of sex education and wasn't given a lecture by the teacher lol) so that might bring about a rise on organisations that tackle this issue.

we had 'sex education' at our school. in 9th and 10th grade they had this organisation or something come in for one day and talk to us about sex and stuff. i wasn't present for any of these sessions (was on duty both times) but according to my friends (who first bombarded me with : SEX!!!! LOLOLOL) they were pretty open and talked about safe sex and how sexual feelings and masturbation is natural and all. they also touched on sexual orientation and how it's okay and gave a few resources on lgbt help for teens which you could obtain from them after the session (so you didn't have to out yourself in class) which i thought was pretty neat.

honestly, i began watching porn from a super young age and i've been very lucky to have had access to resources later on that helped me understand that porn is a horrible representation of sex. it's so important to put a line between how sex actually works and the things you see in porn which can completely fuck up your expectations and knowledge of sex. unfortunately, a lot of my friends have so many unrealistic preconceptions and insecurities that stem from the fact that their exposure to sex has been nothing but porn.

we live in a country where sex has been extremely stigmatized and therefore it'll be a loooooooong time b/c this involves a change in attitude (that involves a lot of other cultural shifts) which may be occurring in urban areas but is far from taking place in rural or semi-urban areas.

/r/india Thread