How many r/judaism redditors actually feel or have suffered from anti-semitism?

I grew up in Brooklyn and have spent most of my life in NYC and its environs. In the course of my life I have experienced multiple antisemites. Sometimes a negative interaction I simply chalk up to living in a tough city where certain people are just going to have a chip on their shoulder... that an a** hole is simply an a** hole, there have been occasions however where I've gone back in forth in my mind over whether a given interaction was simply New Yorker rudeness/callousness or genuine hatred... but those occasions aside, here are a couple of overt cases that come to mind. There are more but I tend not to have the best memory and kind of see this is par for the course as a Jew. Oh, and for the record... I've also experienced philosemitism too... gotta take the good with the bad.

  • When I was a teen walking one Shabboth on Ocean Parkway and Ave. I a car pulls up near me and the passenger rolls down his window menacingly points something dark and semi-concealed at me and starts shouting "you Jews kill f***ing babies!" maniacally laughs and the driver peels out.

  • A few months ago on the 1 train during the morning commute I get on and the car is packed like sardines. I am standing holding onto the poll above me and there is a woman and her child seated in front of me. I place my backpack on the ground between my legs so that it won't bother the people behind me. In doing so it ever so lightly grazes the knee of the woman sitting in front of me. I look to her with a sheepish smile and say sorry... she starts flipping out yelling "get your goddamned bag off of me, don't touch me, I don't know where it's been, I don't know where you've been white devil!" Stupidly I open my mouth one more time and say, "hold on, it was an accident I apologized - there is no need for racial epithets" this really got her going and she stares with extreme hatred back and forth between me head (adorned with yarmulke) and my eyes and starts hollering "you know what you are! you know what you are!" (i.e. a Jew)

/r/Judaism Thread