Rant/Vent Wednesday megathread

Why do women say "yes" to a date and then not answer a phone call or text ever again? What the fuck?

I just don't get it. I'm 30 years old, and I've been on the prowl lately for last 6 weeks or so looking for a date, asking lots of girls out at various ages between 21 and 34. I'm just craving some companionship.. Not even sex necessarily, but I just want to start dating again as I've been single for a good while. I mean I just want to get to know someone, and maybe see what happens.

I think I'm a fairly attractive dude (I mean, I hope??), and I'm sort of addicted to working out and fitness, so I am in quite good shape. I have a job, but unfortunately I don't have a lot of money. I am always direct/forward but I make sure I'm never "creepy" or too aggressive. I most certainly don't have perfect "game," so to speak, but I've been pretty confident when I approach women lately, and this isn't my first rodeo.

So 6 out of 11 of the girls I've struck conversation and asked out said they had a boyfriend. Whether that's true or not I don't know, but it's ultimately irrelevant. Only one flatly rejected me, saying she wasn't interested. But those other 4? Jesus christ, I'm going to lose my mind trying to figure them out. THREE of them (ages 31, 25, 22) said yes and gave me their numbers, but then never responded or answered when I called / texted the next day. Okay, whatever. No big deal. Of course it bothered me, that kind of behavior is fucking confusing as hell. But I was just like "on to the next one!"

Then last week on Wednesday I ask this girl out from my gym. She's pretty young, I think 22 years old, and she's kind of a newbie at the gym so it's not like she's super fit. But she seemed nice enough and she was pretty so I went for it. Made some small talk, told her I thought she was very pretty and got her to blush, and asked "I know this is very forward, but would you like to get dinner or coffee with me sometime?" She emphatically said "Sure!!" I said great, lets exchange numbers, and we did.

So I'm riding a big wave of hope, and the next day (Last thursday) I texted her asking if she was free over the weekend, she said she's sorry but she had plans, she was going to a big music festival with friends. I said no worries, have fun, and that was the end of the conversation. She was super short with me, and I felt like extending the conversation would have been one-sided.

So I let the weekend pass, and this Tuesday (two days ago) I call her in the afternoon. She doesn't answer, but immediately texts me saying she's at work and can't talk. I said ok cool. She texts me some 4 hours later, explaining that she never uses her phone at work. All good. I make some small talk via text, but I couldn't get a read on the impression I was leaving. She was again being kind of short, but maybe that's just her personality? I have no idea.

So I tell her I was getting in the car and I'd rather call so I won't have to text and drive (which was true). She says she's spending the evening hanging out with her parents and now's not a good time to chat, so I said ok no worries. I kind of got the impression she wasn't down to converse. Am I certain about the impression? No, but that's what I was gathering. (Btw, this is why I fucking hate trying to talk to someone new through texts, there is no real tone.) So I said maybe I'll text you later, but I didn't. I feel like I'm basically the only one trying keeping the dialogue alive since last wednesday when I initially asked her out, and I hate that feeling, because when it's one-sided it makes me feel like I'm acting desperate. So I basically stopped trying with this one too. I refuse to be "desperate."

But that's the kicker; that's what i don't get. Am I desperate for continuing to try when you already told me yes? I just don't fucking understand. WHY do you say yes, and then bail? Is it a lack of courage to say "no?" Is it the fact that you changed your mind? It's clear what I was asking when I called you pretty and then asked you to dinner. So if you weren't interested, why would you emphatically say you would like to go out and give me your number? I mean it wasn't just like an uncertain 'suuurrrre', she fucking lit up like a christmas tree when i first asked her. And then she acted like like she's just too busy every time I initiate a conversation.

This shit is infuriating. I can handle rejection, but telling me yes, and then blowing me off makes me feel pretty god damn stupid. Four out of 11 women have done this over the last few weeks, and it's starting to make me feel almost paranoid when they tell me "yes." With this last girl, I've been going through my texts reading every word trying to see if I "fucked up" somehow or said anything that would put her off, but nothing stands out. I can't explain it.

I need to meet more people but this city (Miami) kind of sucks for meeting strangers. Down here you pretty much cannot attract any woman over the age of 24 if you don't have a lot of money or an impeccable game. I'm thinking of a dating site.

I have just been trying to logically explain this behavior, and I keep coming up empty, unless it's just me somehow.

/r/CasualConversation Thread