How much money do you make and what's your lifestyle like?

I make less than you but my SO and I have a combined income in the same range. We live in what I consider to be a fairly nice apartment in a great neighborhood with my SO, we're 45 minutes walking/20 minutes on the train to our jobs. I usually take 2 big international vacations a year. I don't like to drink that much but I rarely turn down offers to go out and don't feel like I overspend in that category. I have a shitton of stuff already, but occasionally treat myself to fun or nice things I want - like Switch games, or a new pair of shoes. I save about 25% of my income. We don't have combined finances, so he is saving more than I am, but he also orders in more than I do and eats out for lunch more often.

/r/AskNYC Thread