How old were you when you had your first kiss??

I was 19...but my friends almost destroyed it ever from happening. Basically, we went on what was also my first 1 on 1 date (as opposed to a double date) to the movies. Fast forward an hour and a half and the movie ends, and all I'm thinking is "I have from about now till the time I walk her to her car" or there's no way this is ever gonna happen. As we walk out of the theater, I'm relieved to see there isnt a large group of people buying tickets or a hail storm outside. Finally, this is it. I can finally say I've kissed a girl. As we walk out the doors more, I realize that it's starting to rain. Not a good sign, but hey, girls like that kind of stuff right? S/o to spiderman. So as we step off the sidewalk into the parking lot, the corner of my eye catches a car in the distance. It is at that moment, my heart dropped. I recognize that car. That 4-door golden Volkswagen ruin my dreams Passat. That' friends. My friends who I had I told I had a date that night... My heart literally drops even more. Here we go, my friends are about to ruin this perfect opportunity... So me and her get closer and closer to her car as I see my friend's car in the distance getting closer and closer to us. We get right next to her car, and she does the movie-like fumble-for-my-eyes move. I figure i have just enough time to get a kiss in before my friends ruin the moment of my teenage life. As I am about to kiss her, i quickly look to see if all is clear. BOOM, I kiss her. The smallest peck in the world. As soon as that happens, my friends basically do a drive-by, hanging out the windows and yell, "YEAHHHH BIG BOB!!!" (an unfitting nickname I was given in H.S.) followed by laughter/cheer. Thankfully, my friend that I was driving decided to keep on going, instead of ruin this 'perfect' moment. But...I did get the kiss. It wasn't anything great, but it was a relief to finally get that out of the way. And I got it before my friends yelled anything. I quickly apologized for my immature friends, and she was totally cool with it - we said goodbye etc and she got in her car, and drove away. Afterwards, my friends whip the car around and all congratulate me. So yeah, 19 lol

/r/AskReddit Thread