How do you open the first scene in your story or chapters?

There's nothing necessarily wrong with the 'establishing shot' type of intros, just take care not to get too bogged down in description.

My examples:

“There’s a reason the horses wouldn’t cross into the forest,” Pellas spoke. “Something’s off about this place.”

“Stop being such a whiny git,” Robert said sharply. “The only things you know of this place are what your mum told you at bedtime.” He examined the gnarled branches above. “She would tell you stories to keep you in your room while she went out and fucked half the town.”

“Oh sod off, Rob,” another voice entered the fray. A slender man by the name of Geryld, Pellas’s older brother. “You’re just jealous because we knows the name of our mother. Where were you found again? Ditch near a tavern, was it?”

The three quarreled for a time, cursing each other’s houses, accusing which mother slept with whom; childish spats for which the fourth man had no patience.

Enough!” The darkwarden had been so quiet, they’d forgotten he was there. “You three can prattle on all you want back back in Nightfall. As of now, we’re here for a job and we’re going to do it.”

This is from a completely different project, but both are the opening lines in their respective stories (at least for now).

Gareth lay face-down in his own sick. He had been in this particular tavern for five days, though he smelled like he’d been there for twelve. Beneath the tangle of black locks of hair, twigs, dirt, and vomit was a face unbefitting of his lifestyle. His olive skin was relatively unscathed, had all of his own teeth, golden brown eyes full of life—when they weren’t rolled up in his skull—and was in possession of both his ears. A rarity for a sellsword. Well, former sellsword. A few well meaning passers-by offered to move him to a place more comfortable, preferably near a privy. But he moaned, claimed this was the most comfortable he had ever been and proceeded to make a pillow out of a mound of dirt. He wasn’t wrong; soil of the Northern Kingdoms was arguably the most pleasant.

But it's like u/hellionwins said, it's wise to switch it up when needed.

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