How do I prepare myself for socialization with males?

Dealing with males is less about the words used and more so body language. In a lot of ways its akin to wolves, they see insecurity and perceive it as a threat and if you seem like you don't belong they will not assume "maybe hes just going through something" or "he is probably hurt or sad" but will say "why are you hiding something, am I unable to trust you."

I think for transmen the most important aspects at the beginning is how to actively listen and how to blend without actually saying anything. I will do my best to explain.

  • Make eye contact, periodically survey the area every 10ish seconds. in light conversation, significantly less during serious conversation.

  • Eye contact can initiate violence, a "stare down" is a challenge. When it comes to other men you are just passing by it is absolutely necessary to acknowledge their presence. For strangers it is a downward head nod. This says "I acknowledge you but don't know you". For people you recognize it is an upward nod where you kind of follow your nose and lift your head. I know this sounds crazy, but I am very serious and if you don't acknowledge it will be rude.

  • When active listening you will some times non-verbally agree with a head nod, while doing so with a male you want to move up and down with your neck almost like you are listening to music. Fluid. Loose. Your "type" of agreeing is displayed with your mouth (unlike with women where its mostly in the eyes.

  • Be BIG. Men are about dominance, and that can be displayed non-verbally via how much space you are taking up. You've seen this in some ways, like the WIDE sitting stance. It can also come in subtle forms like how you stir something (wrist via whole arm), where your arms are (is it extended over to the next seat, or folded or in your lap).

  • Make yourself comfortable. Lounge. Again this is dominance we are talking about here. Sitting in a chair and the seat next to you empty, put your hand on it. Now you have two seats. Obviously not really, but in an animalistic way you have marked territory.

  • Do not talk about feelings. Just don't. Its one of the shittiest things men have to go through, but "feeling" things is really frowned upon and even further makes people uncomfortable. If patriarchy has caused one thing terrible to men it is that they aren't allowed to have emotions. If you need to talk about something emotional be moderately aggressive about it. In a normal but stern tone say something like "Im fucking pissed!" "Dude guess what shit I just had to deal with". Men are SOLUTION prone. If you bring up a problem its to find answers, not quell emotions. Whatever you say will 99% of the time illicit a "that sucks" and maybe "what are you going to do ". Roll with it.

  • Open cruelty among one another happens in SOME social circles. Not all. You really have to read the room on this one and only with people you know well. You insult your buddies and you should only do it about on par with how much they normally do it.

  • Differences are NOT always celebrated. If you oppose another man in his choices, actions, words it may be perceived as a challenge. This doesn't mean don't do it, but its a wolf pack. Be ready to be aggressed upon, and don't flinch. This is when you DO NOT break eye contact if you want to be heard. If you look away, you are less dominant, your opinion isn't warranted. There are variables to this but its something you might want to look out for.

This is all I can think of right now. I really wouldn't reccomend DOING this stuff but observing it. It is there. Once you pay attention to it in action it will make more sense to you. Obviously this stuff isn't a 100% of the time and is ALL very stereotypical, #notallmen and such and such.

I hope this helps? If you have any questions I am more than happy to answer in this thread.

For what its worth, your choice of words read male in your comment history if thats what you were asking.

/r/asktransgender Thread