How do you rank the Star Wars movies and why?

  1. Episode 5: Of course it is. Everything is near perfect from the Hoth battle, Luke becoming a jedi, Vader kicking ass without Tarkin or Palps holding his leash, and the twist that is the center of the saga

  2. Episode 6: There are Four stories only one misfired somewhat. A great opening with Han's rescue which was a break from fighting the empire, the space battle which is the best in the saga to this day, Luke's confrontation of Vader and Emperor which perfectly ends what is arguably the main story of Anakin and the sith. Endor misfired a bit with Palpatine's best troops being beaten by Ewoks (Where's the Death Troopers from Rogue One?) But the speeder sequence was great. Somewhat hurt by all its victories being undone in the next movie so much for the "Return of the Jedi"

  3. A New Hope: Simply created the universe from Star Destroyers, Vader, the Empire, X-wings, the Force. Its a pretty standard story but told well. The Trench Run at the end was the perfect mix of tension, great acting and earned victory. (Too bad they repeated it 3 times)

  4. Revenge of the Sith: Some bad dialog, too much CGI, over the top fights that look kind of fake (overly cherographed.) But it is the most exciting, dark and heart breaking movie. Anakin's fall mirrored his redemption, Order 66 was appropriately handled. Palpatine was at his best. Clone Wars cartoon improved it quite a bit.

  5. The Force Awakens: Sorry, this Sub hates to hear it, and try to deny it, and come up with desperate ways to defend it, but this movie was nothing more than a glorified remake of IV. And that's not what bothers me. The Republic is seemingly written out, so are the Jedi. Two things that took 3 movies to earn, all to rehash status quo of the underdog rebels vs Empire. There's a New Palpatine, new death Star. I liked how the prequels (for all their faults) were their own era. Not a nostalgic shitshow. Case and Point: In IV the rebels go to a cantina to smuggle the droids to Empire. It was for world building in IV but here it was a callback. Good news is the acting was top notch, the characters are mostly their own, save some overly familar villains. And Rian Johnson can bump this one up another spot if he brings back the jedi or republic.

  6. The Phantom Menace: I honestly think with better dialog, and no jar Jar. This would not be so bad. It had the best lightsaber dual but otherwise it was disapointing.

  7. Attack of the Clones: Honestly after I finished watching Clone Wars I kind of felt like this movie was underrated until I saw it again and realized cringe worthy "I am haunted by the kiss you should never of given me" was there. Hayden gets too much hate, James Earl Jones could not make that sound good. It still had its moments, Obi-wan's story was actually pretty good

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