Unpopular Opinion? If Ryan Johnson was allowed to make Episode 9, it (probably) would have been better than J.J. Abrams but could also made Episode 8 be looked more fondly upon.

RJ has grown on me, but I don't think the TLJ has. I think I understand his motivations for doing what he did, but I didn't prefer his alternative. It seems evident that Disney really intended to rehash the OT. I think Rian saw that writing on the wall and wanted to release something so radically different that a simple rehash was no longer popular. But I don't think even he foresaw Disney steeping to "somehow Palpatine has returned" levels of shoe horning coming.

I didn't really like the story RJ seemed to be about to tell, so I can't honestly say I like TLJ at all... Like... At all. But I respect it a lot more now against the backdrop of what Disney and JJ allowed to happen.

And, man, I'm not too proud to admit I was a JJ apologist. I liked TFA, I enjoyed his mystery box approach, I was ready for new answers and lore. But nope. They fucked it up.

Pretty stoked with some more recent SW stuff, so all isn't forgiven, but I'm healing.

/r/StarWars Thread