How do Reports work, exactly?

Amusingly enough, when I was trying to learn Udyr and made the mistake of trying to learn from an entertainer called 'trick'. He has an extremely selfish and toxic playstyle (fuck your team, just be selfish) and a lot of people didn't like me for that.

Sure, like most streamers, Trick2g is an entertainer - however, he usually hovers between Diamond II and Master tier on his main account, and although all of his suggestions aren't correct, his game knowledge is extensive. There's nothing wrong with having an opportunistic playstyle - sure, there's no excuse for toxic or abusive behavior in chat, but being a "nice" teammate won't necessarily win games. I had a recent match where we destroyed all of the enemies' inhibitors and had their nexus turrets within reach - instead of ending the game, my entire team abandoned me at the enemy base to go rescue single ally. This lead to an enemy ace, Baron for the opposing team, and an gradual throw.

Jungle isn't my main role, but whenever I play it, I always look at my midlaner's score and my own situation before deciding to give away an early blue buff - if I feel that the midlaner is doing poorly (negative KDA, no major items completed, and low farm are always warning signs), then I won't offer it. I've received a fair amount of negative responses for not handing over blue after the midlaner pings it, but I usually concoct garbage excuses about mana consumption issues or weak early clears to justify my actions. Also, when playing a snowball-reliant champion like Evelynn, Shaco, or Nidalee, there is no such of a thing as "kill stealing" - if you don't get ahead early, you'll be entirely useless for the rest of the game.

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