How do you "make room for someone's emotions" and "sit with them in their emotional space"? Without it coming off as pitying them or being patronizing

He can work, he does not have a car, he does not have enough money for even first months rent let alone first and last and a safety deposit.

I know I could get my family to just be the ones to do it, but I feel guilt, because he isn't a "bad guy", he's a broken traumatized person who didn't deserve the shit hand he was dealt in life to begin with, or the shit I dealt him as a crazy person who was insecure and jealous for years.

I would never involve the police because police get people killed and it's unnecessary.

Tonight my grandma who I live with has gone to the hospital and I'm scared she's finally going to die. Her blood pressure was so low they could hardly get a reading. I'm realizing that if she doesn't die, I don't want him here because I want to repair my relationship with her and my grampa before they die.

And if she does die, I don't want him here, because I want to be alone finally and mourn on my own and not care about him.

I finally told my grampa the other day that things are not going alright for a long time and I feel hopeless and trapped. He was understanding, and wasn't forcing me into a choice.

I have around $2,300 total dollars, I am on disability for my mental problems which now seem to be only related to this relationship, and I am considering giving him all my money and cutting my losses and saying again what I said before. Take this money, leave here, I'm sorry for my mistakes, please go.

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