How do you stay optimistic?

In 2014, after the run to $1,000, Bitcoin grabbed my attention. It didn't stay at $1,000 very long - I think by the time I got accepted by an exchange, my first purchase was at $800. I bought some at $600. I bought some at $400. I bought some as low as $200. Att he time, it felt pretty bad knowing the losses I had taken. Eventually I stopped buying, and stopped checking the price so often.

Where we are now feels a lot like that. Yes, I completely sympathize with you that I wish I had sold at the top. We didn't know it was the top. I remind myself every day to settle in and wait.

I have no idea when it will happen, but I am very confident Bitcoin will set an all-time high again some time. It might be a few years away, or it might happen in 2018. I keep peace of mind by reminding myself I only invested what I could afford to lose, and I go on with all the normal things in life.

/r/Bitcoin Thread