How to Survive: Storm Edition... Why is this game so hard and I'm playing on easy?!

This game has a pretty steep learning curve from the onset, and a terrible tutorial system, if that's what it can even be called, but after playing around with it for a few hours its actually pretty good fun.

Some tips: Hunger Food comes in many varieties. Plants and potions made from vegetation make it very easy to keep the hunger bar from depleting completely early on but the trick is being able to actually hunt for it. So get a ranged weapon ASAP for hunting small game. A bow works nicely, but a precision pistol is preferred for the one shot kills. Until you have a ranged weapon, you'll be a vegan and constantly struggling to stay full so combine early one.

Rain Lightning it a bitch, no doubt about it, but it cues before it hits with a tiny micro flash before actually striking full force. Once you figure out the timing, its easy to avoid, and it can actually be used against your enemies as an environmental weapon of sorts.

Well's dry up after 3 uses. Rain however, replenishes them. Always stock up on water when its raining and if possible use a jug, not bottles.

Firepit are extinguished by rainfall, so don't count on that fire being around all the time. No worries though, as you traverse the islands flints become more and more plentiful, and as you return to previously cleared islands they will respawn at new locations. If you can timing your sleeping habits to the actual night time, you should be able to use flints to upgrade your armor and weapons instead of using them up on firepits.

This is crucial in the beginning! Find a fishing reel, and some animal skin and combine them to make a bag, which unlocks half of your locked inventory slots. Do this twice and you'll have access to your entire inventory. This is a must for what's to come later on in the game where you are required to haul around tons of items.

Pretty much everything in this game, respawns eventually, from flints to food, to enemies. Now if you ever drop an item, it stays where you dropped it forever. So when you find your inventory is too full. Take some of your more useless items to a safe house and drop them there, instead of in the middle of nowhere in case you need them down the line. Every island should have a designated drop zone for items you might need, but don't want to carry with you everywhere ya go.

/r/xboxone Thread