How to tell my DM that I’m not interested in my character anymore?

I had an extremely similar talk with one of my DMs recently!

I was playing with two Bard in different tables!

One is a Lore in a table where we evolve extremely fast! So I can use higher level things and I don’t really worry much about cantrips! He is also themed on Mirros, so most of my spells are based on either pure energy or enemies that I have met and “copied”! He is versatile and fun!

The other is an Eloquence, and how can I say it? It was just boring! He was focused on enchantment and Illusion at very low levels... And this simply isn’t that cool... I was basically just a spammer of Phantasmal Force and Vicious Mockery... And his personality isn’t even that fit for Vicious Mockery...

And well, I talked with my DM about how I truly don’t think it will be good for the long run to keep using him...

So now he has basically a plotted death that will be used as character development for the entire party! It was a happy ending for me! I prefer a lot to have a meaningful death than go with “heya I’m leaving now pals”!

And well, that’s my story... It probably won’t help much but this is my own experience...

/r/dndnext Thread