How Unity is making (a subset of) C# as fast as C++

I said it before and I'll say it again:

Why are they going through all this effort making a compiler front-end to get the compiler to vectorize your code?

When we use C# we have complete control over the entire process from source compilation down to machine code generation, and if there’s something we don’t like, we just go in and fix it.

You are literally an _mm_add_epi32 or Eigen or libsimdpp away from "I want vectorization here" but they're just gonna go ahead and write a whole compiler front-end?

In C++, it’s very hard to ask the compiler to make different optimization tradeoffs for different parts of your project. The best you have is per file granularity on specifying optimization level.

Do they not know about the SIMD intrinsics?

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