Howdy. I work as lab tech and wanted to know what kind of cool safe reactions I could get with the chems at my disposal. Purely curious as I love chemistry. I'd prefer to stay away from anything dangerous although any warnings would be appreciated. Thanks fellow nerds. (Missing Kerosene in the pic)

With ONLY what you have there, nothing very interesting unfortunately.

If you are willing to do a bit of homework yourself, next time you buy a red onion keep the skin. Place the skin into a glass and add hot water, then stir until the water extracts some of the purple pigment from the onion skin. Once cool, strain it so you are left with a clear purple solution with no plant matter left floating it. This solution will function as a simplistic pH indicator and will change colour if you add acids or bases to it. Try adding a few drops of the NaOH to a portion of the it. If you did the process up to here right, it should progressively turn from purple to green to yellow as you add more NaOH. If you have acids in the lab (can't see any in the photo) you can reverse this colour change and then access a different set of colours if you keep going past the original purple.

Perhaps not the most exciting thing or what you had in mind, but it will let you create pretty colours from nothing more than an onion skin and some colourless liquids.

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