Huge plot hole for all of Star Wars in Last Jedi (Spoilers)

I mean, it took a 3.5km cruiser to rip apart Snoke's massive ship (13.2km length). And judging by how totally unworried both Hux and Kylo were while aboard said just ripped in half ship it handled being bisected pretty well. The explosion did take out the Star Destroyers along side it however, so the collateral damage was decent.

To take out something like the Death Star (160km) you'd need a 42km ship (rough calculations).

That is something like 2x the size of the Executor Suoer Star Destroyer that Vader tools around in.

I'm assuming a lot here but ya ain't gonna take out big ships with tiny fighters. Now, large asteroids and small moons would work. But that's pretty situational as you have to be pretty close to the target in the run up.

/r/CharacterRant Thread