Human rights body leaves Stonewall diversity scheme

Cis people have so much already. I don't know why they can't just leave trans people alone. I guess it can make one feel powerful to attack others and deny their rights. I'm sure having that kind of access to power is, well, empowering. Determining whether or not people are permitted to exist in your presence, stating that it is okay to debate the question of whether or not an entire group of some of the most vulnerable in society are all secretly perverted liars who are acting out some deluded fetish and thus are deserving of no human rights I guess.

I suppose that's an easy way to cool the sting of other forms of discrimination one might themleves face, and of course it's a time honoured traditional way to build political power.

It really does seem like the rights of trans people are moving backward much faster than forward. In some ways things are better than a decade ago but in many ways they are also worse.

I wish cis people would realize that our lives have nothing to do with them and they can just leave us alone at no cost to themleves.

/r/transgender Thread Link -