Humans killing each other was inherited through evolution. At the time of our origin, human lethal violence was 6x higher than the average mammal, Nature study finds.

Evolution is not some river we are all trapped within, forever unable to change a thing. Nor should we look at our past evolutions as models for expectations of society in the future. Things are constantly changing in so many ways that models like that would be nearly impossible to properly use. In fact I would say trying to use this type of thinking to excuse current or predict future events is flawed in the extreme.

Evolution in my opinion is a force we can control to a decent extent within a relatively short timeframe (see dogs).

With a properly applied social mindset, over time we can "evolve" out those violent tendencies. This act is probably a prerequisite to life in a highly advanced interplanetary society. As even now, all it takes is a single button pressed to end many different species existing on earth.

The simple fact of the matter is that we have the understanding to push our evolution as a species in the direction of a much more symbiotic and much more peaceful scale. We can push ourselves out of the harmful self destructive act of imperialism and warring. We can forget all about the concept of otherness on our own planet. Save for the probable painful application of those lessons learned once again, for our first meeting with something truely other than us.

The fact that people insist upon looking back instead of looking forward, they insist upon gazing into the blast instead of getting away. Those action, those people, tell me we have a very, VERY long way to go.

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