Destiny Unfulfilled makes me want to throw Xe'ra in a dumpster

I have to disagree with almost everyone in here about Illidan. I always had the feeling that Illidan was a good guy that was trying to do good things with methods that looked bad and probably are bad. And I think he made some mistakes too. He should've defetinely told Akama more about his plan, because him not doing so created yet another enemy for him.

Someone in here said something like, "Why didn't he tell the Alliance and Horde what he was doing so we wouldnt come and kill him?"

Would anyone believe him? Malfurion and Maiev alone can convince anyone he just has to be put down.

I read the Illidan book, and what I remember was that the legion used Outland to funnel troops to Azeroth, so that when we came through, we saw Illidan and went Aha! He must be the villian in this expansion! It made sense to me the Legion used Illidan's location in Outland, alongside his amassed armies that he was the guy we had to go over and kill. Maybe I'm wrong about this.

Considering all of that, I think Xe'ra is having a laugh about us having to be redeemed. We had plenty of reason to think he was the enemy, and even if he is techincally on our side, that doesn't mean we did anything wrong.

The book is interesting because It had to fill in a lot of story that we didn't see when it was happening in-game, but I thought it did a good job in explaining everything. I was surprised how it mentioned most of the bosses in the raid even.

Illidans not so bad guys, just let him sprout his angle wings.

/r/wow Thread