"ICU Grandpa" becomes local celebrity for making volunteer rounds in the neonatal intensive care unit to cuddle babies who's parents cannot be present.

And for most of those humans an ordinary day is filled with doing small acts of service and kindness. Mothers teaching children to be kind to cats, co-workers making a hot drink for stressed colleagues, pedestrians moving aside for each other, a husband giving his tiered wife an extra ten minutes in bed, a father rushing home to be sure to read his child a bedtime story, a well timed hug to the people you love, a child sharing a toy with a sibling, people who just feel awful still getting up and walking their dog, a wife making a favourite meal for their stressed husband.

And that is let alone the bigger things we all do on the regular. The thoughtful gifts for an absent loved one, really being their for friends in bad places, giving up seats to the elderly, making a real effort to let someone know you care, helping that struggling person with their luggage at the train station. Let alone the even bigger things people do as part of "ordinary". Taking an injured animal to the vet, staying with an old lady who fell down, helping that lost child. Let alone the massive things ordinary people do, volunteer for charity, befriend the elderly, open their homes to the homeless.

This is all totally ordinary, and it's flipping fantastic. The baseline of humanity is this, it's small and not so small acts of caring, constant, tiny sacrifices we all make for the sake of other's wellbeing, we do it to rub along, to work together, to show we care. It happens relentlessly everywhere you look. You just have to try to see it because it is so normal we don't even notice it, and you know what? That's bloody amazing.

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