I'd like to switch to a vegetarian or mostly vegan diet, but I'm trying to gain weight/muscle. What do you recommend?

It's going to go against everything you think you know, but you really don't need that much protein, even when you're lifting. 50-60grams is optimal for your average adult, thats the recommended daily intake, but that's optimal. Really you only need around 35grams...

Eating high quality carbs from plants increases your ability to absorb nutrients, making more fuel for the body. A balanced vegan diet contains all the macronutrients—including quality protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates— essential for energy, performance, muscle growth, and recovery.

At the end of the day, all protein is made by plants. Eating meat is simply eating recycled protein, and although meat is more protein-dense, your body's ability to absorb the protein from meat is limited, so you're likely to be getting less that you think you are anyway.

And eating enough to meet your protein requirements isn't hard. This is my usual meal plan in the week, it doesn't vary much! Check out the measurements and reproduce it. It's not that much food.

Porridge (200g) * Apple * Banana * Red Berries (100g) * Seeds (30g) * Oatmilk (around half a ltr) * Bean sprouts (500g) * Chillies (50g) * Mushrooms (100g) * Carrots (100g) * Onion (one small red) * Leek (half a large) * Peppers (100g) * Peas (100g) * Kale (200g) * Sweet potato (1 large) * Butternut Squash (300 grams) * Peanut butter (32g) * Brown rice (100g) * Lentils (100g)

1727 calories, 21% saturated fat, 103% carbs, 189% dietary fiber, 108% natural sugars, 103% protein, 65% calcium, 200% vitamins and minerals (average)

/r/vegan Thread