If the bible isn't believed to be completely true, then why is it even believed to be partially true?

Thanks for your link and your opinion and sorry for the late reply. I have considered my position and to me it is firmly on the side of God as revealed in the bible. I can understand the dissonances you highlight as they are perfectly logical with the beliefs you hold. For the ones you raise, my reply would be that, if God created the world, he can create it with the appearance of age (mature trees, adult Adam, layers of strata etc). This would not be deceiving to me but would rather be a presentation of a fully formed earth. Undermining the literal interpretation of the bible in favour of the current societal beliefs like evolution would also present the "when did man receive a soul" problem.

We won't agree right now no doubt but from my point of view you have taken your position after some consideration. I would go so far however to say that, if you were to reconsider the bible account when read plainly (I would be an advocate for young earth, creation, global flood, dinosaur and man etc) objections you currently have could be dealt with hopefully to a logical satisfaction. The reason I am pushing this is because I think that having trust in the bible leads to Jesus and adds the reality to what he has done for each and every one of us. I don't know if this will mean anything to you and I am not one who flippantly throws it about but I am going to pray for you that you will look at the bible again with fresh eyes and that Jesus will speak to you through it and bring you to salvation though him. Then you never know, we may actually speak to each other face to face in the new heaven and on a regenerated earth reminiscing about this post!

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