if God is perfect then why did he change from the angry god of the old testament to the more peace loving in the new testament?

This is how foolish you seem to me.

Could be, but this is not the context we are addressing here and now.

The context we are addressing is the context in which an omnipotent omniscienct and omnibenevolent entity, who would know of a way to resolve conflicts without death, whom cannot be stopped from taking that course of action, and who would want to take that peaceful course of action, deliberately chose instead to slaughter the innocent children of an entire nation.

Could be, but this is entirely irrelevant.

And all absolutely and completely irrelevant to the question at hand.

This is absolutely and completely irrelevant to the question at hand.

Actually I'd argue that Hiroshima and Nagasaki were more moral than God, given that the American forces extensively dropped flyers and posters warning of the exact time and location of the bombings, and urged civilians to evacuate the areas ahead of time. God gave no such warning to the Egyptians. Worse still, Nagasaki and Hirosma were hit by weapons of mass estruction, where one cannot control who will be affected. God was under no such restriction. He deliberately targeted the weak and vulnerable first-born children.

This is the equivalent of ordering an entire army's worth of snipers not to shoot soldiers and combatants, but to target specifically children and babies.

God went out of his way to murder innocent children and infants who had nothing to do with the conflict, and to slaughter them without warning, instead of attacking soldiers and combatants able and willing to put their lives on the line.

Anyone who says "We are going to bomb you so you better run, there is no hope for mercy, I can't differentiate between the guilty and innocent" is more moral than God who saves the innocent says you.

Anyone who says "Do as I say so I can protect you from what I'll do to you if you don't listen to me" is an abusive and immoral monster.

You said it, monster. Or were you wrong despite your bold words?

Today I learned that the most moral entity, the source of morality itself, the omnibenevolent God, has an eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, kind of iron-age morality. It seems to me that God's morality depends on who believes in him. If anything, man made God in his image, not the other way around.

Today I learned you fancy yourself a might warrior for your ability to kill straw men.

Or, it could be cutting through the bull and getting to the core problem.

I'll remember that when you try to explain the context of you having said, "Do as I say so I can protect you from what I'll do to you if you don't listen to me."

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