If you had the choice to live anywhere in the world where would you choose to live and why?

Right now i have choosen Bern Switzerland for the high live quality and beautiful environment. Also because its a good base to save some money for the following.

Because i am not really a rootet kind of guy i have these options in my mind for the coming years:

  • Northern Spain. I would love to just get a piece of land somewhere in the semi mountains and try some self sustaining modern culturing with friends & family
  • Bulgaria. Honestly mostly because its so fucking cheap, but also because its beautiful and full of history and i believe that this country just needs more chances to actually succeed.
  • Bangkok & Koh Lanta. Been in both few months and Bangkok has literally anything you could think of. While Koh Lanta is the perfect spot to relax and get away from the city. I could very well see myself getting a apartment in bangkok and a bungalow in Koh Lanta and spend their a few years once they make it easier for expats to do so.
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