If you killed yourself one year ago what great things would you not've experienced?

I actually did try to off myself last september, so I guess this question's right up my alley.

Spending your whole life hanging onto the past and tricking yourself into thinking you can solve everything by just saying "man up and tough through it" can only work for so long. Suddenly it either all catches up to you, or some sort of straw breaks the camel's back and you're getting 21 stitches right above your radial artery.

By some fucking miracle, despite digging deep as I could down my forearm with a surgical grade razor, I never managed to get to the artery, at the time that just felt like another thing I failed at. So I came out ok, maybe just physically at the time, but if I hadn't I would've missed out on so much. Finally deciding to get the help I've been avoiding all this time, learning to let go and forgive, even shaking that ever present feeling that you're like a ghost floating along instead of actually living life. I've been doing all I can this year to connect with the people I love, and I'm trying to improve every day. Sure there are bad days, but nothing like before, living undiagnosed and unmedicated.

If you ever feel there's something wrong, don't wait until things go nuclear to ask for help, there's no shame in it.

/r/AskReddit Thread