if redscareforcishetmen is any indication, girls and gays truly are the engine of fat-shaming/fat-intolerance

we actually prefer the term “subs with excess females.” It’s bleak to see you reference “sarcasm” as a trait, as even worthy of comment. It’s just a feature of speech that you should be fine with by - age eleven latest? It’s like learning to use a semi-colon or something. It’s not a skill you should be cognizant you’re relying on a lot. certainly you should never confuse it with the idea you have a sense of humor. Those dummies who identify as “sarcastic” are like ppl who make a stand for being into coffee - it’s guarantee of being devoid of originality, interest, a soul. but by now - if you’ve reached adulthood not understanding why saying you are sarcastic as tho that’s worth noting is the worst, you’re past help. Maybe part of you understands you’re a sad case which is why you seek out randos you decide don’t “get” your sarcasm, because - well who else could you feel superior to. Anna and Dasha making misogynist jokes on the pod about how women’s shrill voices make them furious on the subway - or anyone who makes a quality misogynistic joke, I appreciate. But you’re just dimly aware that you're inadequate, you can’t articulate why of course. so you’ve begun to instead identify people you can class as more witless than yourself to feel some relief, but it’s grim to read. Female dominated organizations of any kind, i’m perfectly willing to concede, can be a fucking nightmare. But that’s beside the point - the harpy mods on r/fatlogic dont redeem you. you’ve shown your cards as a boring fuck, doomed to wander an eternity of subreddits, leaving a trail of comments that never garner attention, either for form or content.

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