If You Refuse to Condemn Predators because of Politics, You’re Disgusting

There's a very nasty tendency on both sides to stereotype. I'm a liberal. Ok. But I don't label conservatives, or more particularly, Trump supporters, as deplorable or "low information" voters, etc. A best friend, with a MA, voted for Trump. A professional friend, an attorney, did as well. They had articulate reasons. I haven't checked in with them recently about how they feel about Trump, because I don't like to mix my friendships with politics. But I do know if we talk about this stuff, we're reasonable.

But you see the same thing in comments, even on the Washington Post. Some people will summarily dismiss the allegations against you know who as a plot by liberals. They label us a "libtards," "snowflakes," and what have you. Defending whats-his-name from Alabama, is kneejerk. They just don't care if there's a case there or not.

Maybe it's always been this way and it's now more out in the open because of the Internet. Or maybe the Internet amplifies behaviors that really aren't supportable in the light of day. I don't know. But I won't label anyone because of their politics, and avoid engaging anyone who likes use political pejoratives of dismiss entire categories. Because these people, whether they realize it or not, have closed their minds.

/r/TrueReddit Thread Link - nationalreview.com