If someone is being charged monthly payments from an online porn site, is it the merchant's responsibility to reimburse if it was an unauthorized purchase? What if monthly billing has been going on for more than a year and that person has not made one dispute until now?

My mom and I share a joint bank account. She opened one up for me when I went away to college bank in 2008. blah blah blah.

Forward to now, I still use that bank account. I've been starting to take notice a transaction of $25 every month. And in the transaction detail, it says "WTS 03948394 (mom's name)" in the transaction. So I just assumed she's making monthly payments using my account. I thought to myself, no biggie. I've been seeing them for the past months. I decided to call my mom today on what payments has she been paying monthly. She replied she hasn't touched that account for a LONG time. She has her own account. Hmmmm. Suspicious activity. I called the number on the transaction and it was a third party biller, saying "(mom's name) has been subscribed to a gay porn site and has been since 2011. !!! My mom is extremely old school. She does not know how to turn on a computer. She barely knows how to work a touch screen phone. And my mom is happily married to my dad. So I know my mom did not make an online monthly subscription to a gay porn site. So now, what do I do? I'm waiting til this porn site's customer service operation hours start so I can have a word with them

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