As someone who went to school with Matt but wasn't close to him this question haunts me.
I see how happy I am with my husband, how happy so many of our friends are and can't help but wonder what emptiness someone might feel to go on a show like the bachelor. Please don't take that as judgement - if you go on the show for fame or insta likes - I get it and to each their own. But do people really go on this show hoping to find love? I wouldn't think so.
Watching the ATFR special though I can't help but think he had no idea what he was getting into in joining this show. Which is funny since he got in via an old contestant apparently?
Anyway, amongst this jumbled mess is this realization that this very normal kid whom I grew up with will never be normal again. I don't think this changes based on who ended up with as the final contestant. The show wanted to bring race to the forefront this season and they were always gonna make it brutal.