I never like anyone but I kind of like my boss

In my early 30s I was so in love with my boss... it is embarrassing to read my diary from that time, and he was into me too, but... now I painfully look back on it and wonder if he was grooming me. If he knew exactly what I was and knew he could play on my inexperience to get some sex. (or at the very least affection his kids and wife didn't show him anymore).

But, one of the reasons I stayed away was I realized, it wasn't going to end in what I wanted and needed, a husband.

I do really feel like he was sort of as close as I have ever come to a soulmate. And I just hope that what was happening was real and was not something nasty. He is in his 70s and I always pray I won't find his obituary someday.

/r/ForeverAloneWomen Thread