If you voted for Trump because he’s ‘anti-establishment,’ guess what: You got conned

They're pissed off, they're poor, many of them feel persecuted whether right or wrong and they're seeing the only world they have known drift away. Factories moving overseas. Coal mines being tapped out. There are no alternatives that compensate as well or are hiring like these industries used to and an entire generation of sub-retirement age workers isn't going to retrain.

In their hearts many of them are probably as disgusted with him as anyone and may even know he can't bring back the moon like he promised them, but survivalism is an instinct we all share and it kicked in, misdirected anger won out and they took a massive fucking collective shit right on the carpet at no one in particular.

While we're generalizing for large populations of people, I'm sure they're all happy to have a smart, intelligent, college-educated liberal help them durn-dumbo-selves understand their own motives for voting, 'cuz they just too dern dum to kno demselves, amirite.

My, what would this world do without contemptuous smug progressives to explain everything!? Take your narrative and shove it up your ass. Progressives are the first group of people to always argue "but it's not that simple, life is more complex than that!" when it comes to just about every social issue. So why don't you try heeding your own life philosophy and stop trying to package everything into a nice little intellectual box.

/r/politics Thread Parent Link - ashingtonpost.com