What are reasons to live?

Just yesterday, the girl I'm very into, who I love with basically all my heart, told me that even though she did like me back, she wanted to wait until we were in person to decide anything (this is long distance). I was fine with that, kind of... She then told me that even though she wasn't looking for relationships, she'd still go out on dates if asked, and that... Well, that did it. I just broke down.

It's been a few hours, and I still feel the same the way, in the same intensity level, as the way I felt the moment she said that. I feel hopeless, and scared, yes. But also, I feel tired. Of knowing that she was basically The One, and trying to do whatever it takes for us to care for each other and love each other, and she never knows if I'm The One. Super flaky, as well. We've said those classic three words before, and yet she can't commit to me in the slightest, to even wait it out.

I hope that counts as unrequited love. OP, reading your post made me feel better in my hopes of moving on. Thank you, kind stranger.

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