If you're a Sanders supporter who says they'll vote for Trump when Sanders' bid fails, why?

I wouldn't necessarily say I'm a Sanders supporter outright, I'm on my the fence at the moment between Trump and Sanders, and I've registered as a Republican for the first time in my life (34 years) to vote in the GOP primary in my state.

I have not fully made my mind up about what to do in the general, but I know for fact that I will not vote for Hillary or Cruz or Kasich (or any other individual the GOP might offer up if they really go through either threats to take the nomination from Trump at the convention.

I cannot speak for anyone else, but for me the calculus is very simple. I do not consider myself a Democrat or Republican, nor do I consider myself a liberal or a conservative. I agree with some ideas from each, and disagree with others. In my opinion a vote for any establishment candidate this time is a vote for the status quo, which I see at this point as continuing to facilitate a long slow decline. It's a way to keep boiling the proverbial frog - where you and I are the frog.

Sanders and Trump might end up committing that same sin, but there is at least a slim chance that they will not. In my own estimation the risk with Sanders is that he will be ineffectual, and end up a one term repeat of the Carter administration. The risk with Trump is that he really is as batshit insane as his reality TV bombast persona portrays him to be, and he will literally lay waste to Washington (and a lot more).

But to me, and I honestly and truly feel this way, I think it is better to vote in the elemental chaos that Trump might usher in, thereby motivating a larger segment of the population to act, than to help perpetuate a status quo that I see as far more destructive in the long run.

I will reassess the Bernie/Trump situation in the general if we actually end up with it.

Anyway that's my 2c.

/r/politics Thread