IGDA DC member and game developer, here to chat

I can understand and respect that point of view to a degree, but I don't think you are making the effort to see things from anything other than your own perspective.

I don't want to use a charged word as "hate," but here are some things that infuriate me. (Please understand I am not accusing you of any of this I just hope you can see my perspective on this)

1) The fact that virtually every mainstream media piece mentioning GG does so in completely negative way without even bothering get a relevant quote/counterargument from someone sympathetic to GG.

2) The fact that virtually none of the MSM pieces mentioning GG mention the doxxing as harassment GG has received which gives people unfamiliar with the situation an unfairly biased version of events.

3) The fact that prominent vocal critics of GG such as Brianna Wu can completely slander GG such as making false claims that GG planned to sarin gas PAX with absolutely no repercussions, no accountability, and no apology afterwards.

4) The fact that every single thing has to be undermined by GG opponents and turned into an uphill battle against accusations of "GG are racist misogynist terrorists" "war against women" "neo-nazi hate group" etc.

5) And perhaps most of all, perhaps what can sum up all of the above, is the fact that GG is portrayed/viewed as some sort of hive mind that shares all the same beliefs and that every single action by a member reflects the whole and every single voice is somehow a "spokesman." Even you came here calling us an "echobox." We are constantly debating and arguing amongst ourselves and on some issues there is a huge divide and others there is a minority that often gets shouted down. While many in GG are equally guilty of generalizing, our opposition's generalizations ultimately have much more weight since their voice is what is widely published in the media.

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